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Personalized Learning Blog

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K-12 Education Resources

The latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in K-12 education. We answer questions before you think to ask them.

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District Leadership  |  Innovative Leadership  |  Organizational Leadership & Change Management  |  Superintendents

How Three District Leaders Are Closing the Instructional Leadership Gap

What is the instructional leadership gap and how does it affect the learning outcomes of our students? I recently sat down with three district leaders, Sean Bulson, Superintendent, Hartford, (MD) Public Schools, Jerry Boyd, Superintendent of Washington County (TN) Schools, and Portia Slaughter, Chief Academic Officer at Harrisburg City (PA) School District to discuss these critical questions.

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Blog Feature

Curriculum Strategy & Adoption  |  District Leadership  |  Organizational Leadership & Change Management  |  Personalized Learning  |  Superintendents

10 Resources You Need to Head Back to School in 2024

It’s the time of year that we start heading back into our schools and classrooms - some of us are already in school, and some of us are still counting down our last few precious days of summer vacation. Setting the stage for a new school year is crucial, but it can also be a complex undertaking. So we decided to round up some resources to help you start the school year off right! Whether you’re exploring personalized learning, building innovative and responsive leadership, implementing instruction and curriculum changes, or strengthening communication and collaboration we’ve got some incredible resources for you.

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Blog Feature

District Leadership  |  Innovative Leadership  |  Organizational Leadership & Change Management  |  Superintendents

Investing In The Right Initiatives and Resources To Create Meaningful Change

Have you ever taken up a hobby with enthusiasm, only to abandon it because life got in the way? Maybe you started knitting with dreams of creating beautiful scarves, but now the yarn sits untouched in a box tucked away somewhere. Or maybe you once eagerly hiked every weekend, but now your hiking boots sit in the back of your closet, gathering dust. What obstacles got in your way? Was it time, support, energy, difficulty, resources, ability? Or perhaps your priorities changed?

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Blog Feature

Data  |  School Leadership

Starting and Sustaining a Data Habit in Your School

Knowledge is Power! Measure what Matters! If our cliches are an indicator, we all know that data collection, review, analysis, and understanding is important. We all hear of data-driven decisions, and the importance of data in education and educational systems, but we are often challenged to incorporate data review and the next steps into our everyday lives. In some cases, schools may have deeply embedded practices where data are used only superficially to check a box. Data use may be inconsistent across the organization or only occurs in silos. Some school districts may even have beliefs and norms – a culture – that actually diminish the potential benefits of assessment and data collection. The truth is that the work to dismantle bad habits and unhealthy systems is really, really hard. As we built the Essential Elements of a Data Culture, we considered how an organizational culture can shift from a culture in which data is in the periphery, pulled to the center for high stakes discussions and decisions, to one in which data is an integral part of every day, informing the small moves that reinforce the vision, clarify decisions, and advance progress. This is where our love of habits comes in…

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Blog Feature

Data  |  Surveys

Comparing the 7 Best Survey Tools

Surveys should be a part of every school’s planning. As a former school district administrator responsible for surveys, I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. Above all else, creating a listening culture in your school or district can transform your next initiative and your overall results in supporting student success.

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Blog Feature

District Leadership  |  Innovative Leadership  |  Organizational Leadership & Change Management  |  Superintendents

How to Effectively Manage Large-Scale Change in School Districts

Why is change so hard? Navigating change in schools isn't just a leadership challenge—it's a personal journey for every educator and administrator involved. Educators often find themselves adapting to new standards, implementing new initiatives, or integrating innovative tech, which can feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. In this blog, we will dive into some of the reasons why people and organizations are resistant to change and what we can do to effectively manage large-scale change to achieve our goals.

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