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10 Summer Reading Books That Are Great for Personalized Learning Leaders and Teachers

By: Janice Vargo on June 24th, 2015

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10 Summer Reading Books That Are Great for Personalized Learning Leaders and Teachers

Personalized Learning  |  Classrooms  |  Innovative Leadership

10_books_of_pesonalized_learning_for_summer It’s that time of year again! Time for long days, relaxing nights.... and summer reading.

Our team at Education Elements loves a good read, but like many of you, it can be difficult to stay on top of it during the school year. Summer’s the perfect time to catch up Tweet: Reading, it can B difficult 2 stay on top of it during the school year. Summer’s the perfect time 2catch up http://bit.ly/1SHh73X #plearning on blogs or books we just haven’t had a chance to get around to reading.

Here are a few education reads we’re excited about the summer -- many with implications for personalized learning!Tweet: Here are a few education reads we’re excited about the summer -- many with implications for #personalizedlearning! http://bit.ly/1SHh73X

1. Personalized Learning Playbook [Handbook] Shameless plug for our CEO Anthony’s playbook. Quick, practical read for educators who want guidance on how to personalize learning. We think it’s pretty great. Tweet: .@anthonx #plearning playbook, a quick, practical read 4 educators who want guidance on how 2 #personalizelearning http://bit.ly/1SHh73X

2. Go Blended! [Handbook] Another practical implementation guide from our friends at Aspire Public Schools. Great for educators interested in getting blended learning off the ground.  Tweet: Go Blended! A practical implementation guide from @aspire. Great 4 getting #blendedlearning off the ground http://bit.ly/1SHh73X

3. Blend My Learning [Blog] - Honest and inspiring reflections from a community of blended learning educators.

4. Fostering Grit: How Do I Prepare My Students for the Real World? [Book] We think teaching non-cognitive skills is a pretty big part of personalizing learning. School leader and columnist Thomas Hoerr describes how to help students develop these skills, and even includes sample lesson plans and self-assessments.Tweet: .@TomHoerr's book Fostering Grit, describes how to help Ss develop non-cognitive skills http://bit.ly/1SHh73X #personalizedlearning

5. Educational Leadership in the 21st Century [Blog] Reflections by Principal Greg Miller that focus on technology and transformational leadership in schools. Tweet: Reflections by @millerg6 hat focus on technology and transformational leadership in schools. #edtech @edelements http://bit.ly/1SHh73X

6. Thinking Fast and Slow [Book] This New York Times bestseller explores the two cognitive systems that drive our decision-making. Tweet: Thinking Fast & Slow: a @nytimes bestseller that explores the 2 cognitive systems that drive our #DM @edelements http://bit.ly/1SHh73X

7. EdSurge [Blog] While EdSurge hits our inboxes every Wednesday and Thursday (different editions, both great content), we don’t always give it the thorough read this meaty digest deserves. We’re vowing to stay on top of our EdTech trends this summer.

9. Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis [Book] The author of Bowling Alone interweaves personal stories and research to examine why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. Tweet: .@RobertDPutnam's book examines  why fewer Americans today have the opportunity 4 upward mobility http://bit.ly/1SHh73X @edelements

10. A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change [Book] The authors propose a vision of learning for the future in which knowledge is fluid, change is constant, and play and innovation are central to our survival. Tweet: .@jseelybrown & Douglas Thomas book:  A vision of learning 4 the future in which innovation is central to our survival http://bit.ly/1SHh73X 

And, as a bonus, our Ultimate Guide for Personalized Learning, on an online and downloadable version.

Happy summer reading!

-------- Update on 09/24

The Personalized Learning Playbook is available on Blurb , on Amazon, and also for free on our website


Download the personalized learning playbook 



About Janice Vargo

Janice is an Associate Partner on the Design and Implementation Team at Education Elements. She has supported a diverse group of districts in their personalized learning journey. Prior to Education Elements, Janice was a Senior Consultant for UPD Consulting where she supported state education agencies, K-12 school districts, and nonprofits on a variety of policy and technology projects. She holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a bachelor’s degree in American Studies and Spanish from the University of Notre Dame.

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