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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion +
Personalized Learning


For more than a year, Education Elements has explored the alignment between personalized learning (PL) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Through interviews, observations, and conversations we came to a clearer understanding of how these fit together. It is not that DEI and PL have a dependent relationship; a school or district could prioritize one without the other. Yet, the alignment between PL and DEI is also more than complimentary; DEI is critical when personalizing learning. We have come to realize that while one may benefit the other, personalized learning is most successful when educators prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion.


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Educators who want to personalize learning should prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Diverse educator backgrounds, interests, and identities can help ensure that every student’s personalized needs and interests are met.
  • Equity provides a powerful reason to personalize learning for students, and it requires us to reimagine the systems that are not supporting the success of all students.
  • Inclusion builds trust and understanding across the stakeholders necessary to successfully personalize learning for every student.

Personalized learning calls on educators to “[tailor] learning for each student’s strengths, needs and interests–including enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when and where they learn–to provide flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible.” (Aurora Institute). Successfully meeting those needs and preferences are what makes learning relevant and builds student ownership of learning. Education Elements published “The Core 4 Elements of Personalized Learning” to name the most common instructional changes that teachers and teams implement when they personalize learning for students. 

The teachers and schools that best personalize learning recognize the unique backgrounds, interests, and identities every student brings to class. They approach that uniqueness as an asset and as a responsibility. That uniqueness can both enhance an individual’s learning experience and the experience of the entire class. It also requires educators to better know their students and themselves. 

The implementation of personalized learning creates an opportunity for educators to meet the needs of all students, honor their uniqueness, and build ownership of learning. When schools prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, they create an environment where personalized learning is most likely to be successful.

Learn More About Personalized Learning and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

There are three sections: diversity, equity, and inclusion. Each section allows you to choose between two tracks as you explore the content. The core content is the same, it is just the resources and advice that change depending on the track. The "engaging" track is for individuals who are participating in these conversations and the "leading" track is for the facilitators of these conversations.

Select which place you would like to start: Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion and drive your learning at your own pace.



Which best describes you?

I have some experience engaging work around diversity.

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I am leading efforts around diversity in personalized learning.

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Which best describes you?

I have some experience engaging work around equity.

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I am leading efforts around equity in personalized learning.

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Which best describes you?

I have some experience engaging work around inclusion.

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I am leading efforts around inclusion in personalized learning.

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