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District and School Instructional Model Design

If you want to change student outcomes, you need to re-examine the instructional models in your classrooms

Human-centered design processes help schools create new instructional model designs (Blended learning models, Competency-based learning, Project-based learning and more) that re-imagine the use of time, space, and resources to increase student engagement and achievement.

Our students' needs are changing, so how we teach needs to change too


Big shifts in teaching and learning require new instructional models, but it can be challenging to design next generation teaching and learning models on your own. Today's classrooms need to be more student-centered and include more student voice and choice to inspire a love of learning. Our team brings deep expertise, examples from other districts, and design-thinking processes to help your schools create instructional model designs, that include and go beyond blended learning models, models  that will really work for your community.

instructional model design

We support instructional model design in several ways:

  • We work with district leadership teams to create a blueprint with parameters for schools to follow in developing their designs
  • We conduct workshops to deepen each school teams' understanding of blended learning, personalized learning and competency-based learning  models
  • We educate schools on existing models and help them to understand the pros, cons, and use cases for each instructional design model
  • We recognize that just as every student has different needs, so does every teacher and school; we work alongside school teams to create models with scaffolds to support varied teacher levels


Breaking the Mold: Understanding and Developing New School Models Part One

This two-part white paper series shines a light on core areas for improving learning environments.


The Core Four Elements of Personalized Learning

We've identified four essential components for personalized learning classrooms.

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Personalized Learning Models for Secondary Schools

Three models to reimagine secondary schools, their main benefits, and real examples.

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Personalized Learning Models for Elementary Schools

Three models to reimagine elementary schools, their main benefits, and real examples.

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How to Pick the Right Instructional Model for Your Classroom

Selecting the right instructional model to personalize learning is a bit like cooking dinner for my family. It’s an art, not a science.

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Breaking the Mold: Understanding and Developing New School Models

As we continue to progress through the 21st century we are compelled to ask whether current models of schooling are well designed for the world beyond classroom walls.

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The Power of "What If?" - How XQ is Rethinking High School

On Friday night America’s top TV networks put aside the battle for ratings, when all four aired the XQ Super School Live special to address the question: What needs to change with American high schools?

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Learn More About How We Support Instructional Model Design