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Join Us October 7th @ 8am-10am PST/11am-1pm EST

Personalized Learning. Reimagined.

A Livestream Event

Join Education Elements this October with hundreds of other ed leaders to discover how we have reimagined personalized learning and hear from experts in the field talk about how to build agency, self actualization, and lifelong learners. 

A new school year is upon us and we are tackling existing truths and new realities. The effects of the pandemic remain largely unknown on students’ educational progress. This means we must reimagine education for each student, and put the person back in personalized learning. We must shift away from teacher-directed lessons towards experiences that build every student’s ownership of their learning.



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Why should I attend?

You’ll hear from real teachers how personalized learning has transformed their classrooms. You’ll hear from Education Elements CEO Anthony Kim about why this is the moment to reimagine our classrooms and put the person in personalized learning. And you’ll hear from experts and educators across the country who are working to create nurturing, equitable, and supportive learning environments and learn how you can do it in your district too.


Who is this event for?

District Leaders, Superintendents, CAOs:

  • You are or want to become an equity-focused district.
  • Social Emotional Learning will be a top priority for you in 2021-2022.
  • You want to improve academic success and performance.
  • Increased district community clarity and communication.

School Leaders, Principles, and Instructional Coaches:

  • You want to improve the likelihood of meeting your School Improvement Plan goals.
  • You want to improve innovative instructional leadership.
  • You want to align your school initiatives.
  • You want to increase psychological safety and teamwork.


  • You want to have an innovative and collaborative classroom.
  • You want to improve general student satisfaction.
  • You want to improve teacher-to-student relationships.


Why are we reimagining Personalized Learning?

In the last few years, our team has learned from educators, students, families, and experts we work with on a daily basis and our approach has continued to grow based on those learnings. In addition, we, like educators across the world, are also reflecting on the lessons we’ve learned during the pandemic. We better understand what is most important for our students, what supports for educators have the greatest impact, and what mindsets and foundational knowledge are critical to this work.


Event Details:

Date: Thursday, October 7, 2021

Time: 8am-10am PST / 11am - 1pm EST

Format: Virtually join hundreds of ed leaders from across the country for this interactive livestream event hosted on YouTube.

 Registration: Complete the form on this page to save your seat for this livestream event. Make sure to register today. The first 200 registrants receive exclusive download access to our Core Four White Paper after the event (one week before it launches to the general public!)

Post Event: We have so many more resources and events planned for October/November and we hope you can join us!  The best part... We'll be sending out a short questionnaire after the event and anyone who submits the questionnaire within a week will receive a special gift from us in the mail!  You won't want to miss out! 


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Guest Speakers:

Weston Kieschnick | Keynote 

Weston+Kieschnick+head+shot-1Wes is an award-winning educator, best-selling author, TEDx speaker, coach, husband, and father. He is the author of, Bold School, Breaking Bold, and the creator and host of Teaching Keating; one of the most downloaded podcasts for educators and parents on iTunes. Visit his website here.





Michelle odemwingie | Panelist 

Michelle OMichelle  is the chief executive officer at Achievement Network. Michelle joined ANet nearly a decade ago as a coach and has since held roles as chief of school and system services and chief of staff, among others.





Ronald Ferguson | Panelist 

ron fergusonRonald F. Ferguson is an MIT-trained economist who focuses social science research on economic, social, and educational challenges. He has been on the faculty at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government since 1983, after full time appointments at Brandeis and Brown Universities. 





Schedule Overview:

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Oct 7th Event Registration